When you find yourself in a situation when you’re not performing well, get enough sleep.
Lack of sleep is the reason for poor performance almost everywhere.
When I lack sleep, I perform poorly at work.
When I have enough sleep, I perform well at work.
When I lack sleep, I’m weak at the gym.
When I have enough sleep, I can lift 365 lbs.
When I lack sleep, I don’t have discipline.
When I have lots of sleep, my body follows all my commands.
When I lack sleep, I don’t follow my diet.
When I have lots of sleep, I always eat healthily and can say no to junk food.
When I lack sleep, I let other people take advantage of me and push me around.
When I have enough sleep, I’m competent and ready for anything.
When I lack sleep, I make a lot of stupid decisions.
When I have a lot of sleep, I’m wise and unstoppable.
When I was younger, I used to sacrifice sleep because I felt I’m missing out on life.
Now that I’m older, I realized that I ruined my own life again and again simply because I sacrificed sleep.
Get enough sleep.
Get your life in order.
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I am praying for your success. God bless!
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