A change of attitude is all you need to get your dream job.
I don’t mean just a call center job.
I mean any job that you want.
For things to change, I need to change. - Jim Rohn
Getting the skills needed to achieve your goals becomes more effortless after I changed my attitude.
Your attitude is influenced by what you believe about yourself.
What you believe about yourself is influenced by the words you use.
There is no easy way to change your attitude.
Most of my attitude change is a result of my exposure to other people’s beliefs and attitudes.
I copy what I find helpful from people who I admire and have the exact results that I want for myself.
I study how successful people respond to different situations.
I make an effort to understand why the attitude works.
I also aspire to adopt some helpful beliefs into my daily practice eventually.
My situation does not determine my final outcome.
The final outcome is a result of how well I handle my situation.
Some people are born with gifts and have poor results.
Some people start from nothing and gain the life they want.
How you behave, and the strategies that you follow will determine the end results.
The chef determines the end product.
There’s always something that I can do to improve a bad situation.
There’s also something I can do to make a good situation worse.
How I play the elements that I’m given is an important factor that determines the outcome.
Your situation or circumstances is not for your to decide.
What you can decide is what you choose to do with the situation that’s given to you.
I am a problem solver.
Companies pay me to solve their problems.
I get paid by providing extra hands, eyes, and brains.
The company wouldn’t need to hire me for anything if there were no problems.
My usefulness is determined by my ability to solve problems.
I see difficulty as an opportunity that I can take advantage of to help myself and others.
My confidence and skill level determine the size of challenges that I can overcome.
I can be happy.
I can make money.
I can reach higher levels.
Success requires skills.
I will be successful if I work on my skills hard enough.
Top performers are never sad about their jobs.
My confidence influences my skill level.
If I believe I can, I can.
The only way to find out is by trying.
Even if I fail, I can learn to do better.
If I have no faith in myself, I cannot move forward.
I believe I am God’s masterpiece.
I should act like one.
Break down big problems into tiny parts.
Complex problems feel impossible.
Little problems are easy.
Organize complex problems and large challenges into tiny easy-to-do tasks.
There’s no other way.
If I want a job, I need to learn the skills involved.
To learn the skills involved, I start with one of the skills.
To learn a skill, I need to study, imitate, and practice the steps until I can do it right.
After I learn to do it right, I keep practicing until it’s so automatic I can’t do it wrong.
This process works for martial arts.
This process works for cooking.
This process works for learning a language.
This process works for any game I’ve played.
This process works for finding a job.
I know this because, at one point, I was once just like you.
I had no idea what I was doing.
I just knew I had to do it, so I did what I had to do.
I learned from wherever I can.
I practiced on a bus.
I practiced with strangers.
I practiced on the interviewer.
I felt so embarrassed.
I also felt that if I didn’t make something out of myself, I’d stay hopeless by leaving my fate to chance.
As I learned steps, I learned skills.
As I learned skills, my confidence increased naturally.
As my confidence increased, I performed well at anything that I did.
As I performed better, my pay got better.
My life got better.
Everything else got better.
I write about my experience to show you what I did.
I know that you can do the same.,
If I can’t slay the beast of despair with my massive sword of confidence, I’ll paper cut it to death one positive affirmation at a time. –Sekou Andrews
See this video to know what I mean.<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ehnl0cd-rcw" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>
Thank you for reading this far and thanks for your attention.
I am praying for your success. God bless!
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