Make a list of all your past jobs.
Include freelance, part-time, and volunteer jobs.
How long did you work in the job?
This information will be useful in remembering.
What did you learn in your first, second, third, or so month?
What’s your biggest lesson of the year?
Follow a timeline approach to extracting stories.
What tasks did you perform?
What tools did you learn to use?
What process did you understand from doing your job?
What advice did you receive from your boss?
What life lessons did you pick up from your boss?
Do you have any awards or prestigious achievements?
What tasks did you perform on the job?
What tasks did you do well at?
What difficult tasks did you accomplish?
What positive words did you receive from your employers, clients, and coworkers?
Talk about a time when you got in trouble at your work.
Talk about a time where you upset your employer, boss, clients, and coworkers.
Describe these events in details.
Specifiy the mistake.
Discuss the lesson.
How did the mistake teach you to become better at work?
Ho did the mistake teach you to become a better person?
Thank you for reading this far and thanks for your attention.
I am praying for your success. God bless!
If you made it this far, you should introduce yourself.
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