Original Title: Smile to sound better when you talk
A smile can often get you out of unfavorable situations. -Sai (Naruto Shippuuden)
Smile when you talk.
They say a smile can be heard on the phone.
Why the heck is this important?
A person who’s smiling is more
pleasurable to listen to than a person who’s not.
You sound better.
You appear more confident, attractive and excited.
I smile during interviews when I pause to think.
I smile as I give my interviewer my answer.
I smile because I am grateful for the opportunity.
Grateful because they are considering me.
Grateful that I’m prepared.
That I have a lot of things to offer.
I smile as I respond.
For some reason it helps.
Back in high school I thought characters who rarely smile were awesome so I copied them.
I had trouble making friends because of that move.
Badass or “mataray” (for girls) does not equal awesome.
Not smiling repels potential partners, jobs and other opportunities.
Practice smiling.
Not like a crazy person though.
Just practice smiling.
Do it now.
It takes a bit of practice to learn but it will help you.
At this point I think I already made my point so lets leave it at that. :)
Thank you for reading this far and thanks for your attention.
I am praying for your success. God bless!
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