March 19, 2021 • written by

I recommend that you begin writing as many sentences as you can about topics that you’ll discuss during interviews.

I want you to have multiple options to choose from.

I want you to select the best answers.

The intitial answer to interview questions are often just 3 to 5 sentences.

The interviewer will ask for more details whenever you give an interesting or confusing answer.


What do you mean by… UNCLEAR ANSWER.

Give me an example of… SOMETHING YOU JUST SAID.

Tell me a story about a time where you displayed… POSITIVE TRAIT THAT YOU USED TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF.

Please elaborate on… TOPIC THAT YOU MENTIONED.

Not having an answer makes you sound like a liar.

I did think this situation over carefully.

I have a different conclusion.

I feel that you are speaking the truth.

You just have a problem.

There is a good chance that you are speaking the truth.

You have many stories in your head.

Your stories are however recorded in Filipino.

It takes 30 minutes to an hour to translate 200 words from Filipino to English.

There’s also a good chance that you haven’t thought your answers carefully.

I’ve found myself blurting out unprofessional thoughts during interviews.

I discussed conflicts with my family.

I talked about relationship problems.

I talked about personal problems.

These topics often distract the interviewer.

Interviews only give you ten to thirty seconds before they move on to the next question.


The interviewer is testing your English.

The interviewer is checking if you are speaking the truth.

The interviewer is analyzing your problem solving skills.

The interviewer is investigating if you have a good attitude.

The interviewer is observing if you are sincere with what you are saying.

The interviewer is judging if you are really prepared for the interview.

The interview is your opportunity.


The company can hire you to do the job.

The company can depend on you.

The boss of the company can get you as a godparent to their kid.

The boss can depend on you to always be on time for work.

The boss can depend on you to always go to work.

The boss can hand you problems and expect that you will provide a solution.

The company can proudly tell everyone that they made the right choice in hiring you.

The company can use you as a model for the social media advertising.

The company won’t regret hiring you.

The best way to communicate this message is by writing about yourself first.

The writing exercises that I designed are intended to help youy expand your ideas so you can pick the best answers for your actual interview

I want you to write several pages about yourself and your plans for your life.

I want you to write about stories of your struggles.

I used stories of my struggles to convince interviewers to give me a job.

The more sentences that you have ready, the more you can say.

Showcase your communication skills during the interview.

• Tell Me About Yourself

- What is your name?
- Where are you from?
- What do you do for work?
- Where did you study?
- What was your course?
- What do you like to do during your free time?
- What kind of music do you like?
- How does this music make you feel?
- What kind of movies do you like?
- What's the reason you like these movies?
- What TV shows do you like?
- What shows have you seen from start to finish?
- Who do you live with?
- What are your responsibilities at home?
- What are your career goals?
- What are your income goals?
- What are your long term goals?
- What skills are you learning?
- What skills do you want to learn in the future?
- What kind of complements have you received from other people?
- What positive traits do you think you have that applies to call center work?
- What’s your story about how you got your education?
- What’s your career story?  - What’s your first job and what decisions led you to be here?

• What Are Your Strengths And Weakness?

- Make a list of skills and good habits that you discovered in school.
- Make a list of skills and good habits that you learned from your friends.
- Make a list of skills and good habits that you learned from your parents.
- Make a list of skills and good habits that you learned from your extended family.
- Make a list of skills and good habits that you learned directly from your boss.
- Make a list of skills and good habits that you learned from your past jobs.
- Make a list of skills and good habits that you have at home.
- Make a list of good habits that you have at work.
- Make a list of skills that you developed in your free time?
- Make a list of non-work skills that you feel makes you a better person at work.
- Make a list of good habits or traits that you learned from your religion.
- Make a list of good habits and skills that you learned from TV and Movies.
- Make a list of good habits and skills that you learned from taking a class.
- Make a list of good habits or traits that you picked up from people that you look up to.
- Make a list of bad habits that you know you have.
- Make a list of bad habits that you discovered in school.
- Make a list of complaints your parents have about you.
- Make a list of complaints your boss has about you.
- Make a list of complaints your coworkers have about you.
- Make a list of complaints that you have about yourself?
- Make a list of complaints your boss has bout you.
- What rule are you always violating at your religion?
- What bad habit or decisions will likely keep your family poor?
- What bad habit or decisions will likely kill you?
- What complaints and bad habits have you found a solution to and is now fixed?
- What complaints and bad habits are you having a difficult time fixing?
- What complaints and bad habits do you feel you need to fix soon?
- What is your plan to fix these complaints and bad habits?

• Why do you want to work here?

- What's your target salary?
- Make a list of your target benefits.
- Make a list of things that you are going to buy with the salary.
- Make a list of ideas how you plan to invest in yourself when you receive your salary.
- Make a list of fun activities that you want to do once you have the income.
- What's the advantage of the location that you are targeting?
- Describe the commute.
- What areas around your office are beneficial to visit?  - Do you have favorite stores or places to visit near your work place?
- What services are near your workplace that you'd like to try?
- Who are your friends and people you’d like to visit near your workplace?

• Why Should We Hire You?

	- This is almost the same as your strengths and weakness question.
	- But try writing two short stories about a strength that you have.
	- Write two stories about a weakness that you have.
	- Write the story of how you overcome the weakness.
	- Write a story that connects your strength to your weakness.

Sorry for giving you a difficult task.

I love you and I want you to win.


Thank you for reading this far and thanks for your attention.

I am praying for your success. God bless!

If you made it this far, you should introduce yourself.












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