INSTRUCTIONS: Read this English test aloud.

Remember to:

This is a good interview practice, English test and call center lesson in one.

Read this out loud twice a day until you get hired in a call center.

Start here.

I can speak in English well.

I practice English all the time.

I am disciplined and I follow rules.

I am punctual so attendance is never an issue.

I listen well and follow instructions.

I’m creative and intelligent enough to solve problems.

I’m sincere enough to ask questions and clarify anything that I don’t understand.

I listen first and make an effort to understand the full situation before giving my recommendation or answering with my opinion.

I’m self aware enough to know that I don’t know everything.

So I research and ask for help until I understand what I need to learn.

I’m patient enough to handle difficult situations as well as angry and unreasonable customers.

I am coachable and excited to learn the skills that will make me an awesome call center worker.

I do my best to understand the processes that I need to learn on the job, explore the details and master my ability to explain things using simple words.

I take notes and write everything I learned every day.

I spend my time studying what I learned.

I always ask myself…

Because I know for a fact that my effort will be rewarded.

I listen to people who have experience and willing to help me reach success.

Life is 90% blessing and 10% learning.

Everything in my past is given to me to make me stronger for my challenges today.

If I am faithful with today, my future will be taken care of.

I learn from my mistakes and I know that with enough patience, I will achieve success.

I am persistent.

I never give up.

I believe that persistence overcomes resistance.

I will persist until I succeed.

I look at criticism constructively.

Everything wrong with me is an opportunity to work on myself and become a better person.

If something is not working, I will give up on the method but NEVER on the goal.

I will adjust my approach until I discover exactly what works.

I will keep on trying, learning and improving myself, so that my thoughts, feelings, words and actions are aligned to becoming the person that I need to become and qualify for my dream job.

Because I have a great attitude, I know that it’s only a matter of time until I achieve success.